The success formula of contact with candidates in 2023

by Lars | 23 February 2023 | Blog

Trying to call a candidate again and again because he doesn’t record it for the umpteenth time. Or send a reminder again via email because you still have not received a response from the same candidate. Unfortunately for many recruiters, this is the reality nowadays, but through which channel can you have the best contact with candidates nowadays?

Curious about which channel you can use nowadays? Then read on! Then read on quickly!

Where previously the statement “a caller is faster” prevailed in the world of recruiters, it seems as if this is nowadays the opposite world. Nowadays, candidates even find it almost scary when they are called by an unknown number.

The threshold that candidates experience at being called up is also experienced when receiving e-mails. Nowadays it is almost normal to see a red balloon with all your unopened e-mail on your phone. But which channel is the secret behind more successful contact with your candidates?

The means of communication on the phone

A phone is almost indispensable in daily life. Then you would say that because the phone is so much in your hand, calling is the means of communication, but that is not the case.

WhatsApp is the channel that is used most on the phone as a means of communication. For example, WhatsApp has nearly 13 million users in the Netherlands, of which about 10 million are active daily. But why is WhatsApp the key to contacting candidates?

Reduce the threshold

Compared to calling and e-mail, communication via WhatsApp is a much lower threshold for candidates. For example, candidates are usually very active on WhatsApp during the day and this way of communicating removes a lot of tension. In addition, WhatsApp messages are opened much more often and there is a much faster response by candidates.

Perhaps this is known for recruiters, but the use of WhatsApp in the recruitment process often does not happen enough for many recruiters.

WhatsApp in the recruitment process

So WhatsApp is the channel to have contact with candidates nowadays, but can this also be used easily? The answer is simply: yes! With a WhatsApp Business Account, you can easily and quickly have contact with candidates.

Curious about how your communication via WhatsApp can run as efficiently as possible based on our Smart Inbox? Book your free demo here and be surprised by the possibilities.

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