
Solutions in Ubeeo

Is Ubeeo the ATS you use? Good news: our solutions offer you plenty of options in combination with Ubeeo. From applying via WhatsApp to answering frequently asked questions from your candidates 24/7. As a recruiter, you can easily instantly send a WhatsApp message to a group of candidates, for example asking if they are available or interested in a specific job or assignment.

With Smart Inbox you can send fully personalized messages from Ubeeo to candidates. This prevents you from constantly working on different devices. Smart Inbox offers a hybrid chat function. Our virtual recruitment assistant can conduct a large part of the conversations. And if personal follow-up is required, the conversation will be forwarded to the recruiter involved. As icing on the cake all conversations are logged, completely GDPR proof. No more hassle with transferring information to your colleagues. Your conversations are always visible to your colleagues. This way everyone is always up to date on the current state of affairs and agreements that were made.

Smart integration with websites, a brilliant matching module and state of the art recruitment analytics. Everything in user-friendly screens and fully working on tablets. The recruitment system that combines attention to employer branding with candidate experience. As an ATS system, Ubeeo offers you plenty of options, especially in combination with our chatbots.

Using the connection between Joboti and Ubeeo, it is possible to automate various recruitment processes. For example, you can automatically send job alerts, automate the availability to questions from your candidates and you can let candidates apply via WhatsApp.

Key features and benefits

  • FAQ
  • Job alert
  • Apply
  • WhatsApp apply
  • Pre select
  • Availability
  • Interview scheduling
  • Smart Inbox

We will continue as:

Exciting Update: Joboti.com will soon be migrated to Textkernel.com for an upgraded experience!